4TH OF JULY SALE: Get Up To 62% OFF Today ONLY!


Dealing with Chronic Pain? This natural roll-on helps relieve pain and swelling in less than 30 seconds a day.

WITHOUT getting invasive surgeries, paying expensive doctors, and taking harmful medications.

  • Relieves Pain in Real Time
  • Targets the root cause of chronic pain (A broken inflammatory response)
  • Reduce inflammation and swelling FAST
  • Packed with natural anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • It fits right inside your bag

*For optimal results, we recommend that you use the product at least twice a day


Note: Not Available on Amazon or eBay


Over 40,000 Real Satisfied Customers



If you don’t experience any changes in chronic pain. You can return your bottles of Free-Ease within 90 days and get your money back. NO questions asked. NO strings attached.



We offer free shipping & handling on all orders.



Free-Ease™ are made from proven anti-inflammatory ingredients designed to target the real root cause of chronic pain. Enjoy instant relief with our patented formula!

The Real Root Cause of Chronic Pain

The Real Root Cause of Chronic Pain

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, there’s a good chance it’s because of a condition researchers are calling, Broken Inflammatory Synapse. This is what happens when pain receptors in our body called the TRPV1, become faulty and sensitive as we age. This causes them to send “false pain signals” to the brain. Which then leads to persistent inflammation and chronic pain.

This is why no matter what you do to treat chronic pain. As long as your TRPV1 receptors are broken… Doing anything from climbing up a flight of stairs, getting up from bed every morning, or lying down at night can become a horrible experience.

The pain takes away your freedom, and forces you to shut yourself away from the rest of the world — as you try and “live” with this condition. You feel as if life is flipping through the pages. As you miss out on doing the things you love because of a gnawing pain that’s bound you in shackles.

The good news is, there’s finally a way that can reverse the damage of your broken inflammatory synapse.

Introducing Free-Ease

"Triple Anti-Inflammatory Action"


Free-Ease works effectively in providing lasting relief thanks to its Triple Anti-Inflammatory Formula.

  • Cooling Effect – An accurate mix of natural menthol and isopropyl alcohol hits your skin. Sending cool breeze that not only reduces inflammation FAST. But also opens up pores allowing other anti-inflammatory ingredients to penetrate deep under the skin, and deliver an unfiltered payload of instant relief.
  • AM1710 Molecule – A scientifically backed anti-chronic-pain molecule that helps your TRPV1 receptors regulate pain back to normal levels. This allows your body to fix these broken receptors, so that it stops sending false pain signals to your brain which leads to chronic pain.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Mix – Our proprietary mix of anti-inflammatory ingredients which are handpicked to do one thing. REDUCE inflammation in the fastest and safest way possible. This consists of proven-and-tested ancient anti-inflammatory herbs. Such as Uncaria Tomentosa, Boswellia Serrata, and Yerba Mate.

How does it work?


How does it work?

Applying Free-Ease is simple. All you need to do is identify ANY part of your body that’s in pain. Pop the cap of our roll-on-gel. Apply it directly to painful areas, and experience a “weird” sensation of inflamed tissues shrinking in real time.

With consistent use, your body can finally focus on fixing your broken anti-inflammatory receptors, providing lasting relief and allowing you to live the life you’ve left behind in no time. WITHOUT crippling back, joints, neck or leg pain.

For best results, we recommend customers apply Free-Ease for a minimum of 6 months. This allows your body to fully reverse the effects of a broken inflammatory synapse. By repairing your broken TRPV1 receptors so that it stops sending false pain signals to your brain.

Many customers choose to secure 6 bottles of Free-Ease — as ONE bottle should be enough to last you anywhere between 3-4 weeks.

Imagine sleeping like a baby every night…

Let’s face it. The worst thing about having chronic pain is that it’s almost impossible to sleep with it. This leads to low energy levels throughout the following day. Which makes it hurt to even exist.

By applying Free-Ease, you’ll soon find out that it’s not too late to live life on free from persistent pain. Right now, over 40,000 people have already broken free from constant body pain.

And whether they were 50, 60, or even deep into their 70s.

Free-Ease has helped them reverse the damage of their broken inflammatory synapse and helped them get back to doing the things they love in a matter of weeks or even days.

Try it for 90 days WITHOUT risking a single dollar


Try it for 90 days WITHOUT risking a single dollar

We’re 100% confident that Free-Ease will give you the lasting relief you’re looking for.

Which is why within the first 90 days after your purchase. IF you are not happy with the results Free-Ease brings. You can just send them back to us and we’ll refund you every single dollar you spent.

No questions asked. No strings attached.

It’s either Free-Ease will help you break free from constant bouts of pain…

Or you’ll get your money back. PERIOD.

This is a 100% RISK-FREE purchase.

Chronic Pain Specialist Recommended


Taking painkillers to mask the pain can be harmful to your body.

And paying thousands of dollars for surgery that might not even work?

It’s a gamble not everyone is willing to take.

But you don’t have to go through any of that.

Free-Ease is designed to target the real root cause of chronic pain and was developed by chronic pain expert Dror Levy — who dedicated 10 years of his life to studying everything about chronic pain.

For ½ the price of a doctor’s appointment. You can get yourself the fastest, proven-and-tested solution that can provide long-term relief from back, joint, neck, and leg pain.

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Free-Ease VS OTHER Treatment Methods:

Treating Pain From The Source

 Free-EaseSurgeryChiropractorsPain MedicationsRegular Exercise
Lasting Pain Relief✔️
Non-Invasive Solution✔️✔️✔️✔️
Repairs TRPV1 Receptors ✔️
Reverses The Effects of Broken Inflammatory Synapse ✔️
Affordable Treatment ✔️✔️

Scientifically Proven

Dozens of study across the board proves that fixing your broken TRPV1 receptors… Is the best step towards living a pain-free life. Studies have also shown that the only way to do this is by introducing a special anti-inflammatory molecule called AM1710, which is found in every bottle of Free-Ease.

Whether you’ve been experiencing chronic pain for 5, 10, or even 20 years. Free-Ease can help reverse the damage done to your TRPV1 pain receptors. So that you can get back to living life to the fullest.

Understanding Chronic Pain: A study from Harvard

AM1710: The revolutionary molecule for chronic pain relief

A 2022 American Study of how CBD reduces joint pain by 83%

How To Use


Remove the Cap


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Apply on Painful Areas



Shrink inflammation in real-time

Real Reviews From Real People

Who Are Now Living Their Best Life Thanks to Free-Ease!

The Best “Non-Invasive” Way To Reclaim Your Life


Special Offer

Try Free-Ease today with ZERO risks and at an extremely low price!

Act Now and You'll Get:

  • Free-Ease — Triple Action Pain Relief
  • 90-Day Results or Refund Guarantee
  • FREE Shipping
  • FREE eBook: “Stretches for Sciatica”

Note: Not available on Amazon or Ebay

Sale Ends Today!

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90-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We don’t want you to spend your hard-earned cash on something you’re not sure of.

We all know the real test for lasting relief ISN’T measured in hours, days, or weeks…

But in MONTHS.

So to help you make an INFORMED decision.

Within the first 90 days after your purchase

You can try Free-Ease out with ZERO risk.

Which means IF you are NOT happy with the results…

Whether your bottles are opened or unopened…

Empty or full…

You can simply send them back to us…

And we’ll return every single dollar you’ve spent.

No questions asked. No Strings attached.

In fact, we recommend you use up the entire bottle before you make the decision! As we know the transformation Free-Ease brings is only going to get better over time.

hundreds of lives changed with free-ease

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